On the weekend of April 7-9th the Campbell River Gymnastics Association came home from Port Coquitlam with three Provincial Champions on the vault.
Janika Scriba, competing in the JO level 9 division won Gold on vault followed up with a Silver medal on the bars.
Alexandra Smith competed in the JO Level 5 division also brought home a Gold on vault.
Carson Ogg rounded out the Provincial Champions on vault in the Men’s Provincial 4 division adding to it with a Silver medal on parallel bars and a Bronze medal on the floor.
Other medalists from CR included JO level 7 Tyza Skuse who won a Bronze medal on bars, and Hannah Sommer who captured two Silver medals, one on the vault and one on the bars.
Riley Michael who competed in the Men’s Level 4 13 and older division came home with two Bronze medals, one on the pommel horse and one on the vault.
Nathan Kerluck rounded out the medal winners finishing with two Bronze medals, one on the vault and one on the rings.
A strong year for these athletes and many others who had a great Provincials.
The following are all the results from the Provincial Championships.

JO Level 9 1999- 2003
Janika Scriba won the Gold medal on vault, captured the Silver medal on the bars, finished 8th on beam and 14th on floor to come home in 6th place in the All Around.
Brooklyn Batch took the 6th place ribbon on bars, placed 13th on beam, finished 17th on vault and 17th on floor to come home in 12th place in the All Around.

JO Level 9 2004-2006
Chloe Doyon took 12th place on floor, placed 14th on vault, finished 15th on beam and 17th on bars to come home in 17th place in the All Around.

JO Level 8 2003
Olivia Miles placed 14th on both beam and floor, finished 15th on bars and 16th on vault to come home in 18th place in the All Around.

JO Level 8 2004-2007
Ksenia Stansell placed 9th on vault, took 10th place on floor, finished 14th on bars and 16th on beam to come home in 10th place in the All Around.

JO Level 7 2004-2005
Tyza Skuse won the Bronze medal bars, placed 8th on the beam, finished 16th on the vault and 19th on floor to come home in 4th place in the All Around.

JO Level 7 2006-2008
Hannah Sommer captured the Silver medals on both vault and floor, took 5th place on bars, finished 14th on beam to come home in 4th place in the All Around.
Jordan Loock won the 4th place ribbon on vault, placed 10th on floor, finished 15th on bars and 18th on beam to come home in 12th place in the All Around.

JO Level 6 2006
Jadea Wilson captured the 5th place ribbon on floor, placed 12th on beam, finished 13th on bars and 24th on vault to come home in 16th place in the All Around.

JO Level 6 2003
Isabella Michael won the 6th place ribbon on floor, placed 7th on bars, finished 9th on vault and 11th on beam to come home in 7th place in the All Around.

JO Level 6 2004
Claire Pollock captured 5th place on floor, placed 15th on bars, finished 17th on vault and 28th on beam to come home in 18th place in the All Around.
Cailey Goddyn placed 21st on both floor and bars, took 27th on beam, finished 28th on vault to come home in 26th place in the All Around.

JO Level 5 2003-2006
Alexandra Smith captured the Gold medal on vault, placed 13th on bars, finished 18th on floor and 23rd on beam to come home in 13th place in the All Around.
Kaitynn Beaulieau took 10th place on bars, placed 14th on beam, finished 26th on floor and 27th on vault to come home in 22nd place in the All Around.
Makena Movold placed 13th on the vault, took 21st on bars, finished 23rd on floor and 25th on beam to come home in 25th place in the All Around.

Men’s Provincial 4 13 and older
Riley Michael captured the Bronze medals on both pommel horse and vault, placed 5th on rings and 6th on parallel bars, finished 8th on both floor and high bar to come home in 6th place in the All Around.

Men’s Provincial 4 under 13
Carson Ogg won the Gold medal on vault, captured the Silver medal on parallel bars, took home the Bronze medal on floor, took 7th on both pommel horse and rings, finished 8th on high bar to come home in 4th place in the All Around.

Men’s Provincial 3 under 13
Jackson Martin won the 4th place ribbon on parallel bars, took the 5th place ribbon on floor, placed 9th on both rings and vault, finished 10th on pommel horse and 11th on high bar to come home in 4th place in the All Around.
Nathan Kerluck captured the Bronze medals on rings and vault, took the 9th place on high bar, placed 16th on the floor, finished 17th on pommel horse and 22nd on parallel bars to come home in 11th place in the All Around.
Liam Barber took the 8th place on floor, placed 10th on high bar, took 17th on rings and 19th on parallel bars, finished 25th on vault and 27th on pommel horse to come home in 19th place in the All Around.

Men’s Provincial 1 *(scores based on a score standard per event either Gold, Silver or Bronze)
David Price captured Silver status on floor, rings, vault and parallel bars, took a Bronze status on pommel horse and high bar to come home with a Silver status in the All Around.
Michael Kastashchuk received a Gold status on vault, captured a Silver status on floor, pommel horse ring and parallel bars, took a Bronze status on high bar to come home with a Silver status in the All Around.
Lukas Pesicka captured a Silver status on floor, pommel horse, rings, vault and parallel bars, took a Bronze status on high bar to come home with a Silver status in the All Around.
Peter Kastashchuk won a Gold status on vault, captured a Silver status on rings and parallel bars, took a Bronze status on floor, pommel horse and high bar to come home with a Bronze status in the All Around.
Kaos Hyatt captured a Silver status on floor, rings and vault, took a Bronze status on pommel horse, parallel bars and high bar to come home with a Bronze status in the All Around.
Michael Sader captured a Silver status on rings, vault and parallel bars, took a Bronze status on floor, pommel horse and high bar to come home with a Bronze status in the All Around.
Trent Thompson captured a Silver status on vault, took a Bronze status on floor, pommel horse, rings, parallel bars and high bar to come home with a Bronze status in the All Around.

Congrats to all the athletes!!

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