Twisters Invitational (virtual)

The Campbell River Gymnastics Association held their 3rd virtual competition on March 14th, competing in the annual Twisters Invitational hosted by Abbotsford .  This competition was trials for The Western Canadian Championships which was canceled, but also acted as a...

First Virtual Invitational for CR gymnasts

The Campbell River gymnastics Association (CRGA) participated in their first virtual competition of the year, for most of the athletes, in the Christie Fraser Invitational hosted by the Langley Gymnastics Foundation.  On February 21st we recorded routines for 40...

Carson Ogg Creates history for Campbell River

Carson Ogg, a gymnast from the Campbell River Gymnastics Association made history by becoming the first gymnast from our club to compete at Elite Canada.  This competition, held February 11-17th,  is for National Team selection for the high performance Juniors and...