The Campbell River Gymnastics Association (CRGA) sent a group of boys to the Twisters Invitational held in Abbotsford March 25th-26th.
Jackson Martin had a solid showing coming home as the All Around Champion in the Men’s Level 3 under 13 division. We had a strong team there with Nathan Kerluck finishing 4th All Around as well, and Liam Barber and Carson Ogg rounding out our 4 man Level 3 and 4 combined team to come home with the 3rd place team trophy. Congrats to a job well done!! The following are the entire competition results.

Men’s Level 4 under 13
Carson Ogg captured the Bronze medal on high bar, took the 4th place ribbons on pommel horse and vault, placed 6th on rings, finished 8th on p-bars and 10th on floor to come home in 7th place in the All Around.

Men’s Level 3 under 13
Jackson Martin won the Gold medal on the rings, captured the Silver medal on parallel bars, took the 4th place ribbon on both floor and pommel horse, finished 12th on high bar and 14th on vault to come home as the All Around Champion!
Nathan Kerluck captured the Silver medal on high bar, tied for 4th place on pommel horse, took the 5th place ribbon on rings, placed 12th on parallel bars, finished 13th on floor and 20th on vault to come home in 4th place in the All Around.
Liam Barber captured the 5th place ribbon on parallel bars, took the 6th place ribbon on floor, placed 10th on the vault, 14th on the rings, finished 20th on pommel horse and 21st on high bar to come home in 10th place in the All Around.

Men’s Level 1 (results based on a score standard of Gold Silver or Bronze)
David Price captured a Silver standard on floor, rings, vault, parallel bars and high bar, took home a Bronze standard on pommel horse and finished the competition with a Silver status in the All Around.
Liam Goldrup won a Gold status on vault, captured Silver status on both floor and rings, took home a Bronze status on pommel horse, parallel bars and high bar to come home with a Bronze status in the All Around.
Michael Kastashchuk captured a Silver status on floor, vault and parallel bars, took home a Bronze status on pommel horse, rings and high bar to come home with a Bronze status in the All Around.
Peter Kastashchuk won a Silver status on both floor and vault, took a Bronze status on pommel horse, rings, parallel bars and high bar to come home with a Bronze status in the All Around.

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