The Campbell River Gymnastics Association participated in the virtual JO Compulsory Provincial Championships hosted by Langley Gymnastics on April 18th.  The athletes had a great competition, winning many ribbons and medals.  It was great to watch the athletes learning new skills and improving though out the year.  Competition highlights include Chloe Stewart winning a Silver medal on the floor to go along with a Bronze on the beam and in the All Around.  Persia Tabarsi captured the Bronze medal on the beam and Alyse Aydon won a Bronze medal on the vault.  Below are the full results!

JO4 2006-2008

Ryley Gordon captured the 8th place ribbon on bars, won the 10th place ribbon on vault, finished 11th on floor and 13th on beam to come home in 10th place in the All Around.
Persia Tabarsi captured the Bronze medal on beam, won the 9th place ribbon on vault, placed 12th on floor and 13th on bars to come home in 12th place in the All Around.

JO4 2009

Hannah Thomas won the 9th place ribbon on vault, took 13th on beam, finished 16th on floor and 18th on bars to come home in 12th place in the All Around.
Miwako McGuffie-Ogasawara tied for the 9th place ribbon on vault, placed 14th on both beam and floor, finished 19th on bars to come home in 16th place in the All Around.

JO4 2010

Chloe Stewart captured the Silver medal on floor, won the Bronze medal on beam, finished 7th on both vault and bars to come home with the Bronze medal in the All Around.
Grace Fraser won the 4th place ribbon on bars, captured 6th place on floor, finished 9th on both vault and beam to come home in 5th place in the All Around.
Jaycee LaFrance captured the 5th place ribbon on floor, won the 6th place ribbon on vault, finished 11th on bars and 17th on beam to come home in 8th place in the All Around.
Sophie Pallan won the 8th place ribbons on both vault and floor, finished 12th on beam and 14th on bars to come home in 9th place in the All Around.
Olivia Fawbert captured the 6th place ribbon on beam, placed 15th on bars, finished 20th on both vault and floor to come home in 17th place in the All Around.

JO4 2011

Haylee Toohey won the 6th place ribbon on vault, captured the 10th place ribbon on floor, finished 12th on bars and 17th on beam to come home in 11th place in the All Around.

JO4 2012-13

Lacey Palmer placed 18th on beam, finished 20th on vault, bars and beam to come home in 20th place in the All Around.

JO3 2010

Paityn Giesbrecht won the 8th place ribbon on bars, took 11th place on floor, finished 18th on vault and 20th on beam to come home in 16th place in the All Around.
Avery McColl captured the 7th place ribbon on vault, won the 9th place ribbon on beam, finished 17th on bars and 19th on floor to come home in 18th place in the All Around.

JO3 2012.5

Ru-Chan McGuffie-Ogasawara won the 4th place ribbon on vault, placed 12th on floor, finished 14th on beam and 15th on bars to come home in 14th place in the All Around.

JO2 2012

Ali Maga won the 5th place ribbon on vault, captured the 6th place ribbon on bars, finished 11th on beam and 12th on floor to come home in 6th place in the All Around.
Alyse Aydon captured the Bronze medal on vault, won the 8th place ribbon on bars, finished 18th on floor and 23rd on beam to come home in 11th place in the All Around.
Hannah Sumner won the 10th place ribbon on vault, took 11th place on beam, finished 21st on floor and 23rd on bars to come home in 20th place in the All Around.
Nahla Birchard placed 17th on bars, took 21st place on beam, finished 22nd on floor and vault to come home in 21st place in the All Around.

JO2 2013

Callie Bukta won the 7th place ribbon on vault, placed 11th on beam, finished 15th on floor and 18th on bars to come home in 17th place in the All Around.

JO2 2014

Linnea Jones captured the 5th place ribbon on floor, won the 6th place ribbon on bars, finished 7th on vault and 10th on beam to come home in 8th place in the All Around.
Drew Thomson won the 5th place ribbon on vault, captured the 7th place ribbon on bars, finished 11th on beam and 12th on floor to come home in 11th place in the All Around.


Persia Tabarsi won Bronze on Beam


Chloe Stewart won Silver on Floor, Bronze on Beam and Bronze All Around


Alyse Aydon won Bronze on Vault