The annual Garden City competition hosted by Falcons Gymnastics in Victoria was held virtually this year on May 16th.  This competition was the final event for our most of our athletes for the season.  Garden City also acted as a team competition for athletes that are representing Team BC at the virtual Canadian Championships later in June.  Jordan Loock named to the Junior JO 10 team for Team BC as well as Brooklyn Batch, named alternate for the Senior JO 10 team performed well contributing towards their teams for the competition.  Team BC competed against a team combined of Yukon, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland.  The Senior JO 10 team came home with the Gold and the Junior team came home with the Silver medal.  Canadian Championships will be close to the end of June.  Shyanne Johnson also had a great competition in the JO6 division coming home with the Silver medal in the All Around.  The full CR results are below.

JO 10 group 1
Brooklyn Batch won the Bronze medal on floor, won the 6 place ribbon on bars, placed 7th on vault and 8th on beam to come home in 8th place in the All Around.

JO 10 group 2
Jordan Loock captured the Bronze medal on bars, won the 6th place ribbon on both vault and beam to come home in 7th place in the All Around.

JO 7 group 1
Ava Lee captured the Silver medal on beam, won the 8th place ribbon on vault, finished 9th on both bars and floor to come home in 7th place in the All Around.
Isabella Michael won the 5th place ribbon on floor, captured 7th place on vault, placed 8th on bars and 10th on beam to come home in 8th place in the All Around.

JO 6 group 1
Shyanne Johnson won the Bronze medal on beam, captured the 4th place ribbon on bars, placed 6th on floor and 7th on vault to come home with the silver medal in the All Around.
Alyssa Wood captured the Gold medal on bars, won the 5th place ribbon on vault, finished 9th on floor and 11th on beam to come home in 6th place in the All Around.

JO 6 group 2
Miley Konrad won the Silver medal on floor, captured the 5th place ribbon on bars, placed 11th on vault and 12th on beam to come home in 7th place in the All Around.

JO 6 group 5
Anna Harris captured the 5th place ribbon on beam, won the 8th place ribbon on floor, finished 9th on bars and 13th on vault to come home in 7th place in the All Around.

JO 4 group 1
Ryley Gordon captured the 8th place ribbon on vault, won the 9th place ribbons on both bars and floor, finished 12th on beam to come home in 11th place in the All Around.

JO 4 group 2
Chloe Stewart won the 5th place ribbon on floor, captured the 6th place ribbons on both vault and beam, finished 12th on bars to come home in 6th place in the All Around.
Sophie Pallan captured the Bronze medal on beam, won the 8th place ribbon on bars, placed 10th on both vault and floor to come home in 7th place in the All Around.
Grace Fraser won the 4th place ribbon on vault, captured 8th place on floor, finished 9th on bars and 11th on beam to come home in 8th place in the All Around.

JO 4 group 3
Jaycee LaFrance captured the Bronze medal on vault, won the 4th place ribbon on bars, placed 5th on floor and 10th on beam to come home in 4th place in the All Around.
Olivia Fawbert won the 5th place ribbon on beam, placed 11th on bars, finished 13th on both vault and floor to come home in 13th place in the All Around.

JO 4 group 4
Scarlett Walker captured the Silver medals on vault and bars, won the 5th place ribbon on floor, finished 11th on beam to come home in 6th place in the All Around.
Haylee Toohey won the Bronze medal on vault, captured the 8th place ribbon on beam, placed 9th on both bars and floor to come home in 7th place in the All Around.
Maddison Cook captured the Gold medal on vault, placed 12th on floor, finished 13th on both bars and beam to come home in 13th place in the All Around.

JO 4 group group 6
Lacey Palmer won the 9th place ribbons on both bars and floor, placed 12th on both vault and beam to come home in 14th place in the All Around.

JO 3 group 2
Paityn Geisbrecht won the 5th place ribbon on beam, won the 7th place ribbon on floor, finished 8th on bars and 9th on vault to come home in 6th place in the All Around.

JO 2 group 3
Ali Maga captured the 6th place ribbons on both vault and beam, placed 7th on bars, finished 8th on floor to come home in 7th place in the All Around.
Alyse Aydon won the 6th place ribbons on both bars and beam, placed 10th on floor, finished 12th on vault to come home in 11th place in the All Around.
Hannah Sumner captured the 7th place ribbon on vault, placed 10th on beam, finished 11th on bars and 13th on floor to come home in 15th place in the All Around.

JO 2 group 4
Callie Bukta won the Silver medal on vault, captured the 4th place ribbon on beam, placed 8th on floor and 9th on bars to come home in 8th place in the All Around.

JO 2 group 6
Drew Thomson captured the Silver medal on beam, won the Bronze medal on bars, placed 7th on floor and 10th on vault to come home in 6th place in the All Around.
Linnea Jones won the 4th place ribbons on both bars and floor, finished 7th on vault and 8th on beam to come home in 7th in the All Around.
Leah Simonett captured the Bronze medal on beam, won the 5th place ribbon on bars, placed 9th on floor and 11th on vault to come home in 10th place in the All Around.

Jordan Loock – Named to Team BC for Nationals


Brooklyn Batch – Named alternate for Team BC for Nationals


Shyanne Johnson- Silver All Around