February 18-20th  the Campbell River Gymnastics Association sent a group athletes to Langley to compete in the Christy Fraser Memorial Invitational.  The athletes were excited to be there in person for the first time after competing virtually for the past season and a half.  Highlights include Jackson Martin and Carson Ogg hitting qualifying scores for the Canadian Championships in their respective divisions as well as Jackson earning a trip to Edmonton in preparation for Canada Games in 2023.  Congratulations to all the athletes! They combined for 20 medals!! Below are the full results of CR gymnasts.

Carson Ogg, won the Gold medal on Parallel bars, captured the Bronze medals on Floor, Rings, Vault and High Bar to win the Bronze medal in the All Around.

MEN’S JUNIOR (16-18)
Jackson Martin won the Gold medal on Vault, took 6th place on High Bar, placed 7th on Rings and Parallel Bars, finished 8th on Pommel Horse and 9th on Floor to come home in 6th place in the All Around.

CCP 9 2006-2007
Hannah Herschler took the 5th place ribbon on Vault, placed 6th on Floor, finished 7th on both Bars and Beam to come home in 5th place in the All Around.

CCP8 2008-2010
Ava Herschler captured 4th place on Beam, took 8th place on Floor, finished 9th on Bars and 10th on Vault to come home in 7th place in the All Around.

CCP7 2008-2009
Rihanna Dill captured the Silver medal on Floor, placed 10th on both Vault and Bars, finished 17th on Beam to come home in 11th place in the All Around.

Anna Harris won the Silver medal on Vault, took the 4th place ribbon on Beam, finished 5th on Bars and 8th on Floor to come home with the Silver medal in the All Around.

CCP6 2010
Kaylie Lofstrom won the Gold medal on Beam, captured the Silver medal on vault, took the Bronze medals on both Bars and Floor to come home with the Silver medal in the All Around.

Polly Klipa captured the Gold medal on Bars, won the Bronze medal on Vault, placed 4th on Floor and 8th on Beam to come home  with the Bronze medal in the All Around.

Grace Fraser won the 5th place ribbon on Floor, took the 6th place ribbons on both Vault and Bars, finished 14th on Beam to come home in 7th place in the All Around.

Chloe Stewart won the 6th place ribbon on Floor, took 11th on Bars, finished 16th on Vault and 17th on Beam to come home in 14th place in the All Around.

Sophie Pallan placed 10th on Vault, took 15th on Beam, finished 16th on Bars and 19th on Floor to come home in 15th place in the All Around.

CCP6 2010-2011
Haylee Toohey won the Gold medal on Floor, took 9th place on Bars, finished 14th on Beam and 15th on Vault to come home in 11th place in the All Around.

CCP5 2009-2013
Lacey Palmer won the 6th place ribbons on Vault, Beam and Floor, finished 7th on Bars to come home in 6th place in the All Around.

CCP4 2008-2010
Olivia Fawbert won the 5th place ribbon on Beam, took 6th place on Vault, finished 8th on Floor and 9th on Bars to come home in 8th place in the All Around.

Back L-R: Rihanna Dill, Anna Harris, Carson Ogg, Hannah Herschler, Kaylie Lofstrom
Front L-R: Haylee Toohey, Lacey Palmer, Chloe Stewart, Olivia Fawbert , Ava Herschler, Grace Fraser and Sophie Pallan
Missing are: Jackson Martin, and Polly Klipa
Photo:Stephanie Ogg