The Campbell River Gymnastics Association held their 3rd virtual competition on March 14th, competing in the annual Twisters Invitational hosted by Abbotsford .  This competition was trials for The Western Canadian Championships which was canceled, but also acted as a trial to the Canadian Championships for the boys.   Final confirmation regarding acceptance onto Team BC to attend Nationals, will come following Provincials.   Congrats to Jack Martin and Kaylie Lofstrom for both winning the All Around titles in their respective divisions!  Grace Fraser and Shea Bridgen were also able to crack the top three in the All Around competition.  The athletes combined for 24 medals and had a great final warm up meet preparing for the Provincials Championships coming soon.  Below are the full results.


Brooklyn Batch won the Bronze medal on bars, took the 4th place ribbon on vault, finished 6th on both beam and floor to come home in 5th place in the All Around.


Ksenia Stansell won the 4th place ribbon on beam, placed 6th on floor, finished 10th on vault and 13th on bars to come home in 10th place in the All Around.
Hannah Herschler took the 8th place ribbon on bars, placed 11th on beam, finished 12th on floor and vault to come home in 11th place in the All Around.

JO 7 (15-17.2 year old)

Shea Bridgen won the Gold medal on floor, placed 6th on bars and beam, finished 8th on vault to come home with the Bronze medal in the All Around.
Ava Lee won the 5th place ribbon on vault, placed 12th on floor, finished 13th on both bars and beam to come home in 14th place in the All Around.
Isabella Michael won the 7th place ribbon on bars, placed 9th on vault, finished 14th on floor and 15th on beam to come home in 15th place in the All Around.

JO7 (13-14.5 years old)

Ava Herschler won the 4th place ribbon on vault, placed 10th on bars, finished 11th on floor and 12th on beam to come home in 9th place in the All Around.
Rayne Loock captured the Silver medal on vault, took the 8th place ribbon on both bars and beam, finished 13th on floor to come home in 10th place in the All Around.

JO6 (15.2-18.6 years old)

Julie Hold captured the Gold medal on vault, won the 7th place ribbons on bars and floor, finished 9th on beam to come home in 8th place in the All Around.
Shyanne Johnson won the Gold medal on bars, won the 5th place ribbons on both vault and beam, placed 8th on floor to come home in 5th place in the All Around.

JO6 (13-13.9 years old)

Miley Konrad captured the Silver medal on floor, won the 6th place ribbon on bars, placed 7th on vault and 8th on beam to come home in 8th place in the All Around.

JO6 (11.6-12.8 years)

Anna Harris took 10th place on bars, placed 11th on both vault and beam, finished 13th on floor to come home in 11th place in the All Around.
Rihanna Dill won the 8th place ribbons on bars and beam, finished 10th on floor and 15th on vault to come home in 12th place in the All Around.

JO6 (10-11.6 years old)

Kaylie Lofstrom won the gold medals on vault, bars and floor, captured the silver medal on beam to come home as the All Around Champion!

JO4 (13-15 years old)

Ryley Gordon captured the Bronze medals on both bars and floor, finished 4th on vault and 5th on beam to come home in 4th place in the All Around.

JO4 (12-12.3 years old)

Hannah Thomas won the 5th place ribbons on vault and beam, finished 6th on bars and 8th on floor to come home in 6th place in the All Around.

JO4 (11-11.8 years old)

Grace Fraser won the Bronze medal on floor, captured the 4th place ribbons on vault and bars, placed 7th on beam to come home with the Bronze medal in the All Around.
Sophie Pallan captured the Bronze medal on vault, won the 5th place ribbon on beam, finished 6th on floor and 7th on bars to come home in 5th place in the All Around.
Chloe Stewart won the Silver medal on vault, captured 5th place on bars, finished 6th on beam and 9th on floor to come home in 6th place in the All Around.
Jaycee LaFrance captured 5th place on floor, won the 6th place ribbon on bars, finished 7th on vault and 8th on beam to come home in 7th place in the All Around.
Olivia Fawbert captured the Bronze medal on beam, placed 10th on vault, finished 11th on floor and 12th on bars to come home in 10th place in the All Around.

JO4 (10.1-10.9 years old)

Haylee Toohey won the 4th place ribbons on vault, bars and beam, finished 6th on floor to come home in 4th place in the All Around.
Madison Cook won the 7th place ribbons on vault and floor, finished 8th on bars and beam to come home in 7th place in the All Around.

JO4 (8.7-9.9 years old)

Lacey Palmer won the 6th place ribbon on beam, captured 7th place on vault, finished 8th on bars and 9th on floor to come home in 9th place in the All Around.

JO3 (10.5-11.1 years old)

Paityn Giesbrecht won the Bronze medal on beam, captured 4th place on bar and floor, finished 6th on vault to come home in 4th place in the All Around.

JO3 (11.1-11.6 years old)

Avery McColl won the 4th place ribbon on vault, captured 5th place on beam, finished 6th on bars and 8th on floor to come home in 8th place in the All Around.

JO2 (8.7-9.2 years old) At this Level athletes are competing for a Gold, Silver or Bronze status, rather than a ranked score.

Ali Maga captured a Gold status on vault, received a Silver status on bars, beam and floor to come home with a Silver status in the All Around.
Callie Bukta received a Silver status on vault, beam and floor, captured a Bronze status on bars and came home with a Silver status in the All Around.
Nahla Birchard captured a Silver status on vault and beam, received a Bronze status on bars and floor to come home with a Silver status in the All Around.

JO2 (7.2-7.9 year old) At this Level athletes are competing for a Gold, Silver or Bronze status, rather than a ranked score.

Leah Simonett received a Silver status on vault and floor, captured a Bronze status for bars and beam to come home with a Bronze status in the All Around.
Linnea Jones captured the Silver status on vault, bars, beam and floor and received a Silver status in the All Around.
Drew Thomson received a Silver status on bars, beam and floor, captured a Bronze status on vault and came home with a Silver status in the All Around.


Junior 16-18

Carson Ogg captured the Silver medal on vault, won the 5th place ribbon on floor, received  6th on pommel horse,  took 7th place on high bar, finished 8th on both rings and parallel bars to come home in 6th place in the All Around.

Junior 14-15

Jack Martin won the Silver medals on pommel horse, rings, vault and high bar, captured the Bronze medal on parallel bars, finished 4th on floor to come home as the All Around Champion!

Provincial 3 (13 and older)

River Wangler won the Bronze medal on vault, captured 4th place on floor and high bar, placed 5th on rings and parallel bars, finished 7th on pommel horse to come home in 6th place in the All Around.

Provincial 1

At this Level athletes are competing for a Gold, Silver or Bronze status, rather than a ranked score.

Everest Johnson captured a Gold status on vault, received a Bronze status on floor, pommel, rings, parallel bars and high bar to come home with a Bronze status in the All Around.


Jackson Martin Junior All Around Champion


Kaylie Lofstrom JO6 All Around Champion


Grace Fraser JO4 Bronze All Around


Shea Bridgen JO7 Bronze All Around